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Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Social Networking Website Able to Generate Apparently Boost Self-Confidence And Socialization

The presence of Internet technologies for this seems to have changed the race we become inadequate social hermit.

In fact, according to research by the Pew Internet and American Life Project, the people who use the internet and mobile phones have more and more diverse social networks.

The study found that six percent of Americans feel they have no one with whom they can discuss important matters - about the same proportion as in 1985. But the researchers found that the ownership of a mobile phone and internet participants in various activities associated with a larger and more diverse core discussion networks - groups of friends.

Core discussion network size is 12 percent bigger than the average among cell phone users, nine percent greater for those who share your photos online and nine per cent greater for those who use instant messaging.

38 percent of Internet users seemed less likely to rely only on your spouse or partner as the trust discussion. Those who use instant messaging and even tended to do so.

"Contrary to the argument that restricting Internet use community participation in local communities, local institutions and local spaces, our findings indicate that most Internet activity associated with higher levels of local activity,"the researchers said. "However, we found some evidence that the use of social networking services - for example, Facebook, Twitter, MySpace, LinkedIn - substitution for some level that involves the existence of the environment."

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